lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

Major landforms of South America

The Amazon Basin is the part of South America drained by the Amazon River and its tributaries. The basin is located mainly (40%) in Brazil, but also stretches into Peru and several other countries. The South American rain forest of the Amazon is the largest in the world with dense tropical forest.

The Andes is a Mountain System, it is the largest mountain in the Americas and one of the most important in the world. The Andes is located from South America all the way to panama, it’s the source of most mayor rivers, and it has volcanoes.

The Atacama Desert is sparsely populated; it is the aridest desert in the world. It’s a cold place and rainfall is very rare, the landscape is covered with borax lakes, lava flow remnants and saline deposits.

The Brazilian Highlands runs through the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais, Goias, Bahia and Saopaulo in southeastern Brazil. It includes mountain ranges, namely the Serra de Mantiquiera, Serra do Paranapiataba, Serra Geral, and Serra do Mar.

 The Guiana Highlands they stretch from southern Venezuela across the northern edge of South America to the tip of Brazil. It is made from a plateau, tropical rain forests, rivers and waterfalls. This place has the highest waterfall in the world named “Angels Fall”.

The Llanos is a large and very fertile plain, located in eastern and central Colombia, and central and southern Venezuela, is drained by the Orinco River and its many tributaries. The economic importance of the plains is that this is a region suitable for ranching and agriculture.

The Patagonia is located between the Andes and the Atlantic Ocean, and it stretches south from the Rio Negro River in southern Argentina to Tierra del Fuego and the Strait of Magellan. It has a barren land, it is rugged and it is famed for a striking scenery and beauty. Patagonia was named like this by one expedition that was made by Ferdinand Magellan when they come into contact with natives Tehuelche, who were called Patagonian.

1 comentario:

  1. Estimado grupo:

    Gracias, por enviarme su trabajo mis observaciones son las siguientes:

    Antes de hacerles los comentarios, quiero decirles que este trabajo esta MAL HECHO, no tiene el formato en lo absoluto, a lo que les solicite, el contenido a lo mejor estarña bueno, parte dicho sea de paso no me corresponde calificar a mi, como ustedes bien lo saben. Les pregunto, QUE PASO CON LA EXPLICACION DE ESTE TRABAJO EN CLASE, NO hicieron nada de lo que les pedi y explique??? Utilizaron la GUIA del trabajo para desarrollarlo???

    1. El proyecto NO tiene por ningun lado páginas, ya que hicieron solo entradas y como espero recuerden, era solo 1 UNICA ENTRADA, que era la Personal Information, dicho sea de paso, ustedes No la pusieron.
    2. No utilizaron un fondo apropiado para el tema, recuerden que debia de ser relacionado con lo que estaban desarrollando.
    3. El formato de DISEÑO no es el correcto.
    4. Faltan imagenes, bibliografía, videos.

    La nota obtenida en este proyecto, así como el promedio de Informática del I Semestre, lo tendrán al regreso de vacaciones, en la primera lección que tengan conmigo.

